Parafilaria spp.

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Parafilaria spp.
Class Nematoda
Super-family Filarioidea

P. bovicola

Also known as: Summer bleeding disease — Verminous nodules


Intermediate host: Muscid flies

Definitive host: Cattle and buffalos


P. bovicola are thin, white worms, ranging between 3-6cm in length.

Life Cycle

This parasite is of the superfamily Filarioidea. The life cycle of P. bovicola is indirect. The eggs hatch on the surface of the host. These eggs are ingested by the flies acting as intermediate hosts. Larvae develop and transform into infective L3. The flies then feed on the host, and the larvae are past onto the host. The larvae then enter the skin of the host, and develop into adults subcutaneously.

The prepatent period of P. bovicola is 7-9 months.

P. multipapillosa

Also known as: Filaria haemorrhagica


Intermediate hosts: Horn flies

Definitive host: Horses and donkeys


P. multipapillosa are slender white worms, measuring 3-7cm in length.

Life Cycle

The eggs or L1 are ingested by horn flies. The larvae mature into L3 several months later. Infected flies feed on the definitive host. The larvae then attach to the host, and begin to migrate under the skin of the host, where they develop into adults.

The prepatent period is 9-12 months.

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Taylor, M.A, Coop, R.L., Wall,R.L. (2007) Veterinary Parasitology Blackwell Publishing

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